I choose awareness
I practice gratitude
I manifest abundance
I honor the goddess within
life is always working in my favor!
January 04, 2017
I have always lived my life believing that life is always conspiring to make things so hard for me, and that even when things are going well, that would mean something really bad is being prepared to ruin those moments of joy and well-being.
I am sure some of you can relate to this way of perceiving life. We have been taught that life always happens to us, that we should always expect the worse, that life is not easy, that problems, disappointment, sadness and suffering are an intrinsic part of life and that there is no way we can avoid them.
We have been taught that life isn't always sugar and spice and that every time we are happy, every time we succeed, or find love, some misery is going to happen any time because happily ever after is just a fairy tale thing.
And what does that means? It means that living our life from a place of fear, incertitude and doubt, expecting bad things to happen becomes the norm. And guess what, we start actualizing these fears and our life becomes a series of problems and heartbreaks! Isn’t it the frequency we have been conditioned to vibrate with? The frequency of fear, doubt, uncertainty, unworthiness, punishment and guilt?
How could our life be anything but the expression of those vibrations we are emitting out in the world?
How could we expect to grow a nourishing plant when we are feeding the soil with poison ivy seeds?
How about we start changing our mindset, from being a victim, from believing that life keep happening to us to co-creators who participate in the manifestation of our desires and dreams?
How about we start perceiving life from a place of love, abundance and security?
How about we start expecting the best and we start believing that Life is always working in our favor?
Start repeating this mantra every day especially when things aren’t working out the way you want, just believe that everything is happening for the highest good of all and that any problem you encounter is a detour in the right direction, that when things don’t go your way, it doesn’t mean that life is not supporting you, because what is in store for you is greater than your understanding.
If life has always worked out the way I wanted to be, believe me I would have missed all this enriching life I lived and I wouldn’t be here today doing what I love to do the most and living with such gratitude and abundance.
Trust that everything is in divine and perfect order and that life is always happening for you, and not to you.
If you can unlearn the old ways and train your mind to believe that life is always supporting you, you will start living your life from a place of gratitude and bliss and your positive vibration will rule your world and attract more positive things to you.
Start your day with this affirmation and choose to believe it just for one day, then expect a miracle!
Life is always working in my favor!
Start planting this seed of co-creating and manifestation today and enjoy the harvest of a lifetime!
A mantra that helped me ease and heal my upper back pain!
January 02, 2017
The other day, I started experiencing upper back pain, it felt like a pulled muscle but it was getting worse and on day 2, I could barely move.
Lacking support was my body's message through that pain, and that is true, as I have absolutely no physical support whatsoever. Being a mom, a wife, and an entrepreneur, sometimes it feels like I have a lot on my "back"!
As I became aware of it, I knew I have to seek help, but meanwhile I wanted to ease my pain.
And because I do believe in the power of the human body to heal itself by itself, I didn't take any medication or pain killer, I let my body, mind and soul work their way through it.
Here is what I did instead:
I rubbed some essential oils on the stiff area and I meditated on my pain.
3 days later, the pain was gone!
I repeated a mantra while breathing in and out and focusing on my pain area : my upper back.
Here is exactly how to do it:
1- Take couple of deep breaths in and out.
2- Say this mantra out loud:
"Just like the body can create dis-ease, it can recreate health"
3- Feel the power of this statement.
4- Keep breathing in and out.
5- Focus on the area of pain.
6- Imagine a stream of light and healing flooding into that area.
7- Lower your voice as you repeat this mantra until you barely whisper.
8- Repeat this mantra internally, without speaking, like that:
- with the inhaling say internally: just like the body can create dis-ease
- with the exhaling, say internally: it can recreate health.
9- Keep repeating this mantra internally until you feel like you are merging with it and you become one.
10- Do it for 10 mins or more.
11- Notice how you feel when you are done and during the following days.
Be happy, it will come to you faster!
February 01, 2017
Being on a journey is the art of enjoying where you are while looking forward to where you wanna be!
Because timing is everything, and defying divine timing will only get you feeling frustrated and every time you feel this way you throw yourself out of alignment and your acts will generate from resistance rather than the same desire you are striving for!
Being happy will make anything you desire come to you faster.
Because in the absence of resistance, you will be left with FLOW, just like everything else in nature,
just like the universe is flowing constantly no matter what,
just like the sun keeps shining unconditionally on people who curse it & people who adores it,
just like the moon goes through cycles each month no matter what all the other planets are doing around her,
just like the flower takes the time to blossom and grow, you may not see her in action, but she is growing & blooming when the time is right .
So what is it that I want to say?
Just BE and trust the journey, and make yourself as happy as you can through it all.
Reclaim your divine nature and reconnect to your inner goddess knowing that you are her and she is you at different periods of alignment.
How to feel good during challenging times?
February 23, 2023
In the middle of the chaos, go back inward to what feeds your body, mind and soul!
Have you met your inner Goddess yet?
Personally when I feel overwhelmed by what is going on in the outside world, I go to my sacred place and I CREATE, it gives me tremendous pleasure and I have no sense of time anymore.
I know in my heart that with every recipe I create and every picture I take I m contributing in making this world a little healthier, prettier and happier!
In the midst of the chaos create some beauty, INSPIRE!
I am so grateful I have found my Food Innergy or what feeds my soul.
For me it is making healthy food so desirable and helping women love themselves again, stop playing victims and remember their divinity! And much more..
If you didn't find what could be your Food Innergy yet, keep looking, distance yourself from drama and spend your time doing more what makes your heart sing!
And this can be anything! Literally!
It could be swimming, reading, cooking, dancing, writing, scuba diving, gardening, crafting, playing music, running, studying the stars & planets, photography, herbalism, meditation, card reading, being an activist, protecting the environment, taking care of kids.... the possibilities are endless!
There is no right or wrong, better or worse, what is best for you is measured by the amount of PLEASURE you take out of it!
And I am thrilled to be helping women all around the globe, empowering them to find their passion, to unfold their life s purpose and live with abundance and self-love.
Get in touch if you need someone to guide you and hold the space for you to be the Goddess you were born to be!
“Deep down in your cells, you know the truth, you are exquisite, and yes, you are that powerful, and it scares you” Nayyirah Waheed.
It strikes me every time I hear women fighting for equality with men!
But there, I remember how long we have been silenced to give up our power. We have forgotten who we are, we have put our inner goddess into a deep sleep and buried her, sometimes with complete surrender and sometimes with the illusion of competing with men.
Do we really need more of that masculine energy that has been destroying the world for ages, in the name of competition, discrimination, rationalization and wars? The time has come now and we are urged to take action and bring back some balance to an overly masculine energy.
Numbed for ages to silence our inner goddess, we need first to call upon awareness and simply remember that life’s energy and creation starts in our womb exactly like this whole existence starts in Mother Earth’s womb.
Feeling that connection to the divine force within opens up the door to rediscovering and reinventing ourselves as women, as goddesses.
Yes, you are a goddess! It may sound hard to believe, but this is your absolute truth, as frightening, confusing and beautiful as it may be.
One of the many practices that have helped me personally reconcile with my inner goddess and acknowledge her presence was healing my relationship with food.
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